
Showing posts from 2010


Reference (Just one of many such stories) So....basically...the Democrats overspent by $857 Billion dollars on the completely unfounded assumption that they would be able to raise taxes to cover it. Then they try to blame Republicans (who are not yet in control of either house, btw), who are just doing what they have always done. They do this by assuming that taxes should be raised (read: more of your money should be stolen taken), and then calling anything less than that a "tax cut" and "adding to the deficit". Does anyone else see the insanity here?

Go-Kart Racing...

Last night, we had a company Christmas party at the Driven Raceway , recently opened here in Fairfield. We had the facility to ourselves for two hours, and another hour after that where the public was allowed back in. We had open snack bar and free games (it's also an arcade) the whole time (the public didn't!), and pizza afterward. This was seriously one of the most awesome times I've had in a long time. :) The karts go up to 45 mph, and each race is 17 laps. I raced four races, and won them all and I put up a best lap time of 18.959. Ok, so I didn't exactly win the last race, but that was one with the public involved, and I got fourth. I did, however, beat everyone from our company, so I count that as a win, too. :) Anyway, if you are in Fairfield looking for something to do, Driven Raceway is definitely great fun to consider!

On the porno-scanners (i.e. the TSA's newest "security measure")

Sooo....there's been a lot of stuff flying around about the new "backscatter" scanning technology the TSA is making mandatory. Ok, not mandatory; but the only alternative is a thorough groping that would get any normal person slapped with a restraining order at best. Here, in no particular order, are a few ways I've come up with to do "peaceful resistance." 1. As you walk through the security line, just strip naked. Stark naked. When you are inevitably asked what the h*** you're doing, say, "just trying to make this go faster!" 2. Opt for the grope-down, then vocally "enjoy" it. Ham it up. 3. Insist on quid pro quo with the Agent, whether you do the backscatter or the groping. 4. Make lewd comments on the way to the groping room. (I'll leave the particulars up to your imagination.)

On the Victory of the Cross...

I was going to repost this, but I figured...I'll just link to it. :) Here.

On the Soul, Spirit, and Body, death and resurrection

EDIT (9/15/2010 4:08 p.m.): This is a work in progress, and generally paints with a very broad brush. However, please understand that my modus operandi with this article is to purposely narrow the semantic range of the words "spirit" and "soul" to their (apparent) usage in Gen. 2:7, and to try to understand and/or translate those exact words as used in the rest of Scripture from their meanings to be consistent with this new narrower range. -------------------------------- My current understanding of the nature of death and the Scriptural (or more accurately, Traditional, of which Scriptural is a part) definitions of the spirit, soul, and body, is as follows: That the "living soul" is the union of spirit (from God) and body (from dust). (Gen. 2:7) That death is the separation of that spirit from the that body, resulting in the corruption of said body, and the return of the spirit to God. (Eccl. 12:7) (This spirit is what is commonly referred to today as ...

On my birthday...

This past Friday (Sept. 10) was my birthday. I did absolutely nothing to celebrate it. In fact, I was planning to take the day off; but circumstances (and the fact that I had already taken Monday off for Labor Day) dictated that I actually work, and I wound up working harder than the rest of the week combined (not longer, but definitely harder). Again, I was planning on a little celebration on Saturday, but got caught up in some more work that wasn't supposed to take that long. What's surprising to me, though, is that by saying this, I'm not complaining. :) I used to really look forward to my birthday; but this year, it was just another day — and I'm OK with that! I must be growing up or something. LOL

QOTD: From the Post-Communion prayers...

The Church is revealed to all as a brilliantly lit heaven, leading the faithful in the way of the light. Standing therein we cry aloud: make firm the foundation of this house, Lord.

On the use of the word "save" and it's derivatives...

I wrote the following in response to a forum discussion, and you can see it there as well. But it reads like a Blog Post, and I needed something to put on here, since it's been a while, so here you go. :) —————————— I think overall Scriptural use of the term "save" and it's derivatives is not as cut-and-dried as popular theology might have it. Or at least not enough to use it as a technical term in soteriological discussions, without further qualification. Let me throw these into the pot.... I Cor. 7:14-16 "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now they are holy. But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save th...


Don't worry...I haven't forgot about this. I'm just really busy lately. And I don't really have much to say right now, either. But being busy doesn't help me come up with new stuff in the first place, so...hopefully the two will get fixed at the same time. :)


There’s something in the air out there, a growing realization that the “post-industrial” society probably can’t last. What’s more, people are starting to realize that it doesn’t even really make them happy, that they’re losing touch with many of the activities that make them feel human. This realization is creating a curious junction out there where the self-negating eco-hysterics of the far left meet and exchange ideas with the self-preserving survivalists of the far right. The underlying philosophies differ of course, but both groups seem to be praying for some kind of collapse or zombie apocalypse so that they can quit their crappy, numbing jobs on corporate campuses and start growing their own lettuce after the shit goes down. The left knows that keeping everything local is more practical and sustainable, and the right knows that humans are flawed and someone’s going to have to kill the bastards who want to steal the cauliflower. From here . Somewhat (but not too) relevant NOTE: I ...

On Who I am, and what I want to Do...Followup

I have a confession to make. I haven't been reading my Bible much this week. So, I finally had some free time today, and sat down to read my daily Psalms. When I'm following my plan, it goes like this: at least 5 Psalms a day and 1 Proverbs a day. If I have additional time, some part of the Old Testament, usually one of the Prophets. (I typically tend to read the New Testament separately from my planned time.) If I stick to this plan, it gets me through the Psalms and Proverbs every month. (5 psalms x30 days = all 150 psalms/month. 1 chapter/day in Proverbs = all 31 chapters/month.) So today being the 26th, 26x5 = 130, so I sat down to read Ps. 126-130. I love the Scriptures. So often they say exactly what I need to read at the time. And this was the case today. Earlier this week, I recently came to the monumental conclusion that all I want in life is to be a true and good Husband and (if possible) father — "hearth and home," as my Mom so succinctly put it in...

On Who I am, and what I want to Do....

"Color" warning: there are a couple of words in here that some might find taboo, or offensive. I have included them on purpose, and chosen them carefully. If you don't like it, tough. You have been warned. :) ------ I recently posted on FaceBook that I "want to be Tom Bombadil". I think that deserves an explanation. Yesterday, I had a conversation with a very wise friend, who confirmed what several others have told me recently: I need(ed) to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. Now, I know who I am -- I'm a wretch, inexplicably given mercy by God and being led to salvation. This is very bewildering to me. There are a couple of things I truly regret in my life -- sins against others for which I've since repented in many tears, but which still sting my soul when I ponder them (one very recent, the other half my life ago: you each know who you are). There are a whole lot more things that I've screwed up honestly, and taken a less...

On the Defeat of Satan...

I just read this article on "Original Sin According to St. Paul," which, in it's conclusion, has these powerful thoughts (emphases in original): Both Roman scholastics and Protestants are undeniably heretical in their doctrines of grace and ecclesiology simply because they do not see any longer that salvation is only the union of man with the life of God in the body of Christ, where the devil is being ontologically and really destroyed in the life of love. Outside of the life of unity with each other and Christ in the sacramental life of corporate love there is no salvation, because the devil is still ruling the world through the consequences of death and corruption. Extra-sacramental organizations, such as the papacy, cannot be fostered off as the essence of Christianity because they are clearly under the influence of worldly considerations and do not have as their sole aim the life of selfless love. In Western Christianity, the dogmas of the Church have become the obj...
NOTE: This post is somewhat personal, but it's a personal blog, so what the hay. If you don't want to see the personal side of me, close the tab/window, and wait for my next post(s). Here goes! *holds breath and dives in* -------------------- I recently wondered (via my status update on Facebook), if I will ever be "normal." Let me explain. You see, as far as I know, most guys actually know how to be good friends with females their own age, without getting delusions of grandeur and romance about these friendships. By which I mean getting a crush on Every. Single. 1 One. 2 Most guys. Not me. Uh-uh. No, yours truly has to run his heart through the meat grinder for each one before anything resembling a normal friendship with them happens. *facepalm* Thankfully, there's usually someone whom I can get to slap me real hard (either literally or metaphorically) and snap me out of it. Not always, though. 3 And even when there is, it doesn't always "sti...

Found it! (Finally!)

Eureka! Eureka! Eureka! No, I'm not running naked down the streets of old Syracuse . Why so excited, Steve? Call it a little thing, but it always bothered me when Paul writes in Romans 3:10, "As it is written," and proceeds with a litany of accusations against the world that, with the exception of the rest of verse 10, is not found as a single passage anywhere in the Bible, yet it seems like he's quoting a single passage. For eight verses, Paul is quoting Old Testament Scripture. But where is it found? Some Bibles have references in the margins. Most Bibles reference the following verses, and have Paul bouncing all over the Scripture. Go ahead, look them up and compare. I'll wait. Rom. 3:10b-12 Ps. 14:1b-3 Rom. 3:13a Ps. 5:9 Rom. 3:13b Ps. 140:3 Rom. 3:14 Ps. 10:7 Rom. 3:15-17 Is. 59:7, 8 Rom. 3:18 Ps. 36:1 You're back. Ok, that's a fairly decent compilation. So that solves the "where's it written?" question. 1 Sort of. It's alwa...

QOTD: On Living the Scriptures

From here. St. Paul, writing to the Corinthians (2 Cor. 3:3) …”you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.” This gives a new meaning to the “New Testament Church.” Now we can see that it means the Church which is the “New Testament,” and this same New Testament continues to be read in the Churches who have preserved that same faith. It is simply not enough to study the Scriptures. We must become the Scriptures so that all might read Christ in our heart and know the Truth of the gospel. Talk about the gospel will not save the world. Only the gospel enfleshed in human lives can be said to constitute preaching. This is what Christians are ordained (Baptized) to do.


From Apostolic Observation , by Fr. Patrick Reardon . [I]t is fundamental to the Christian faith that we are not saved by an idea, not even a religious and moral idea, but by God's direct intrusion into our history. This is the quote I originally started this post for, but here's the next paragraph, which, to me, is just awesome! This affirmation, we contend, pertains to the very essence of the Christian faith as expressed in its earliest formulation by St. Peter: "Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." This is the event by which human history acquires significance and every human life receives the offer of salvation. 'Nough said.

Random life update...

I've posted a lot on theological issues, and a couple of times on political issues. But I haven't really posted much on my life. A conversation with some (relatively new, but fairly awesome) friends recently has put it in my mind to write a short (by necessity) biography of my life so far. So that's in the works. But for this post, I just wanted to give a quick rundown of some things I've enjoyed recently. Here they are, in whatever order popped into my head at the moment. :) I very much enjoyed Becoming Orthodox , by Fr. Peter Gillquist. A couple of weeks ago, I went with a group from church to the Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco for their Annual Lenten Retreat . I'm currently reading Changes , by Jim Butcher. It's pretty good so far! I need to get together with some friends for "powder therapy" (read: fun at the shooting range) again soon. :) I'm currently (like, as I type) listening to Ancient Faith Radio streaming live. I've a...

Excuses, Excuses....

It has been nearly two months since I posted anything on here. Here are my excuses. :) I have been extremely busy, especially with Lent. I have several posts in the works (drafts), but I've not had the time to finish them. Hey, I'm posting now, am I not? LOL I'm exploring a much richer, deeper, older tradition of the church than the one I have, until recently, participated in; and the more I learn the less I know. Or at least, the more there is on which I feel I'm being completely arrogant to render an opinion. I sincerely hope that problem #4 never goes away, although I do hope it diminishes somewhat. I will still continue to post, but please just take the posts for what they are: my opinion, at the moment. There are certainly some things that are "written in stone," as it were. But not nearly everything I write or say. Ok, enough for now. Back to work for Steve. :)


I just finished reading this post, entitled "Why women cannot be head pastors", by C. Michael Patton, whose insights I usually find spot on. However, I must disagree with his argument on this one, for the simple reason that it's not rooted in anything but a generalization, as several of the egalitarians, and a couple of the complementarians even, have pointed out in the comments (to his post, not this one — as of the time of writing at least). I am a complementarian as well, and as such it pains me to see this kind of argument being offered, because of it's weakness. Since it comes from someone who normally offers great insights, my fear is that people will get the impression, as one commenter did, that this is the best complementarians have to offer. EDIT 2/16/2010 10:33PM PST: Mr. Patton has clarified that he was not making an argument for complementarianism, but rather speculating on God's reason for the design, assuming it's true. However, I believe t...

Song I started the day with..

I absolutely love this song! I sang it this morning, and could not contain the joy and gladness that the Holy Spirit wrought in me by it. God's Perfect Lamb by Ron Hamilton God spoke to Israel, "Bring Me a sacrifice, Morning and evening, ev'ry day. Offer a spotless lamb, without a blemish. This is the command you must obey." Daily the lambs were brought. Daily the blood was shed, Laid on the altar built by man. Then at the perfect time, God said to Israel, "I will now provide the perfect Lamb." At God's appointed time, Jesus, Messiah, came To make the sacrifice for all sin. No longer bring a lamb, Jesus has paid the price, Clap your hands and let your psalms begin! CHORUS: Sing Hallelujah! Praise to Jehovah! Worship the God of Abraham! Sing Hallelujah! Praise to Jehovah! Once for all is slain God's perfect Lamb! If you've heard the song, you know it has an "Israeli" feel to the tune, and it's quite easy to get to clapping. (And a...
Before the Throne of God Above by Charitie L. Bancroft Before the throne of God above I have a strong and perfect plea. A great high Priest whose Name is Love Who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is graven on His hands, My name is written on His heart. I know that while in Heaven He stands No tongue can bid me thence depart. When Satan tempts me to despair And tells me of the guilt within, Upward I look and see Him there Who made an end of all my sin. Because the sinless Savior died My sinful soul is counted free. For God the just is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me. Behold Him there the risen Lamb, My perfect spotless righteousness, The great unchangeable I AM, The King of glory and of grace, One in Himself I cannot die. My soul is purchased by His blood, My life is hid with Christ on high, With Christ my Savior and my God!