
Showing posts from 2021

Friday Crucifixion Followup

Introduction In my previous post on this topic , I gave ample proof from the Scripture that Jesus was in fact crucified on a Friday, and that to use the sign of the prophet Jonah to say otherwise introduces irreconcilable contradictions. After posting it, I linked to it on a few discussion threads online. Some good points were raised in objection, which although I addressed them in those places I thought it might be prudent to include in this followup post, so as to gather them together in one place. Additionally, I have included below at least one observation that I forgot to include anywhere else. Finally, as a housekeeping note: rather than do additional posts when/if new followup information becomes available, I will simply edit this one. Regarding the polemical nature of the previous post One of the readers imagined that because I chose to use mildly polemic language, I was engaging in either Ad Hominem or else an Appeal to Author...

On Mining (via Minding) the Scriptures

Today I was humbled a bit to be reminded that I don't know everything, and I always have more to learn. I have read John 6 probably more times than I could reckon up, especially since it's a "go to" in debates about the Eucharist. (This post is not about that.) However, I have always had the idea of the conversation recorded in vss. 25-58 as being an outdoor scene. Perhaps this is because in vs. 25 we are told, when they had found Him on the other side of the sea , and I must have just thought subconsciously, OK, they were standing on the one side of the sea (vs. 22), and now they have found Him on the other side of the sea, at the land (vs. 21). But no. Today, a verse that I'm sure I've read at least a dozen times finally hit my stupid brain. Verse 59 says plainly, These things said He in the synagogue, as He taught in Capernaum. Well paint me red and call me a firetruck. If it'd been a snake, it would've bit me! This is an i...

On Blood, and Fire, and Vapor of Smoke, and the Blood Moon

Today, we celebrate the memory of the Holy Prophet Joel. The epistle reading is from St. Peter's quotation of him at Pentecost. I have often thought it strange that St. Peter continues the quotation, of which he says Pentecost was the fulfillment, with the statement that there would be blood and fire and vapor of smoke, and that the Sun would be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and terrible Day of the Lord. Regarding the blood and fire, the Fathers are unanimous that this refers to the Incarnation, for the fire of the divinity came and dwelt bodily -- that is, in flesh and blood -- among us, and returned in this same body, and with the blood He shed for us, into the heavens, from whence He sent forth the Spirit. Likewise, the sun being darkened refers to both the darkening of the Sun at the crucifixion, and also that the pure doctrine of Christ would be obscured by the noxious smoke of heresies in the history of the Church from that day to this, particu...

On the Signs of the Times

Regarding the events of the End, as described in the Apocalypse, someone once asked St. Paisios, Elder, how soon will these events take place? His reply is very informative, and shows a fundamental difference from how so many think about "the signs of the times". He replied, They are delayed because of you and because of me, so we may be able to acquire a good spiritual state. God is being patient, because if they were to occur now you and I would be lost. (Note that this is a direct reflection of St. Peter's words, that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, which were also given in answer to a similar question, "Where are the signs of his coming?") The Elder continued, "Nowhere in the teaching of Christ is there a specific reference to time. However, Sacred Scripture does say that the signs of the times will warn us of their coming. We must always be ready and shall see them when the time nears. The di...

Innocuous Title

You'll need to copy+paste+assemble this U. R. L.: https://[ put a www here ].[put "bitchute" here].[put "com" here ]/video/ddyFpJT7Zi4z/ Interesting questions asked!

How to save money on Toilet Paper

Introduction In this post, I'm going to deviate from my usual political and religious observations/rants, in order document a technique I came up with that worked incredibly well for me. (That's past tense because of the huge caveat, which I will put in neutral terms without going into detail as to my life.) This technique is actually, I believe (clinical studies welcome) far more sanitary than using Toilet Paper, and in my opinion, informed by practical application, gives a far better bathroom experience as well. It's flat out superior technology! Caveat The huge caveat, though, is that people about whose opinion you may care (significant others, your children, houseguests, etc.) might think you've gone off your rocker. YMMV in that respect, and you may have to give it up to preserve your relationships. Method All that being said: here it is. If you want to sa...

Riders on the Storm

What's so stinkin' frustrating is that if the Storm is real, we shouldn't know anything about it until it's either done or at least significantly in progress. So a real Storm looks exactly like no Storm at all until it hits. But how does one go about making decisions and living life without having seven heart attacks, three nervous breakdowns, and and conniption fit twice a day every day? As a Christian, I think I can contribute a little from my experience. I was raised with a very real expectation that Jesus would return at any moment. At any time, the skies could part, the trumpet blow, and the Christians all get rescued, while the rest of the world would then plunge into the Tribulation. But we still got on with our lives. We served Him however we could in real, "down to earth" ways, while we waited. We tried to live every day so as to be worthy of Him. Of course, now I've moved on from Rapture form of that belief. But I still do believe that He will re...