A Sermon for Holy Saturday, by St. Ephiphanius, Part 8 — Footnotes

(Note: This sermon reproduced from it's translation as found on page 33 of "The Lamentations of Matins of Holy and Great Saturday", translated from the Greek and published by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston, Massachusetts, 1981
© Copyright Holy Transfiguration MonasteryBrookline, MA, used by permission. All rights reserved.)

NOTE: All OT references taken from the Septuagint.

  1. Cf. Ps. 2:1
  2. Ps. 73:13
  3. Cf. Hab. 3:3
  4. Cf. Matt. 27:57, 58; Mark 15:43
  5. Cf. John 19:38, 39
  6. John 5:8
  7. John 1:9
  8. Ps. 87:4
  9. I.e., on the earth. The Greek, although being a play on "below," can also mean "formerly."
  10. Cf. Jonas 2:2.
  11. Ps. 129:1.
  12. Ps. 79:4.
  13. Ps. 79:2.
  14. Ps. 79:3.
  15. Ps. 78:8.
  16. Cf. Ps. 85:12.
  17. Cf. Ps. 29:3.
  18. Cf. Ps. 15:10.
  19. Jonas 2:6.
  20. I.e., subdued.
  21. Ps. 75:3.
  22. The Greek word also means "bow-string."
  23. Cf. Eph. 2:14.
  24. Cf. Matt. 26:53.
  25. Ps. 23:7.
  26. Ibid.
  27. Cf. Ps. 67:4, 21
  28. Hab. 3:14.
  29. Cf. Ibid.
  30. Ps. 23:10.
  31. Cf. Ps. 23:8.
  32. Cf. Ps. 73:14.
  33. Eph. 5:14.
  34. John 14:31.
  35. Ps. 87:4.
  36. Vide Gen. 2:7, "And God…breathed upon his face the breath of life."
  37. I.e., on the Holy and Great Friday.
  38. Vide Gen. 3:24.
  39. Or, "shameful coat of skin."
  40. I Cor. 2:9.
  41. Vide Matt. 27:52.


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