That Jesus Was In Fact Crucified On a Friday, According to the Scriptures
Introduction There are some who madly fight against the Tradition which the Church has received throughout the whole world, that our Lord was crucified on a Friday, and attempt to overthrow this taking as their key the sign given to that wicked and adulterous generation, that the Son of Man shall be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth , which is found in Matthew 12:40 . It is our purpose with what follows to show that they thus introduce an irreconcilable contradiction with ALL of the other Scriptures. Preparation To aid us in this task, we begin with the God-inspired Scriptures, which, as the beloved Paul says, are profitable for such reproof and correction and instruction. Here follows an exhaustive list of those sayings on this matter recorded in the Gospels, the Acts, and the Epistles — that is, the New Testament. (NB: All Scriptures quoted from the King James.) Matthew For as Jonas was thr...