A Theory on the powers of the innocent first parents...
Theory: That Adam and Eve were not created with the power to choose between good and evil, but were granted this power subsequently, and that this power is not, therefore, part of our nature, but something added. (Therefore, the resolution of this power, or its removal entirely, is not a violation of our nature.) Such a choice has as prerequisite the knowledge of the two, and since they were created innocent -- without that knowledge -- they did not therefore have the power to choose between them. ------- Option A: They were not even created with the power to choose the knowledge. This was a gift of God, and the beginning of His tutelage of them as children, with an eye toward bringing them to full sonship. He planted the garden, and placed them in it, and only then did He cause the trees to grow, including "the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil". And only then did He give the commandm...