Random Thought
So often, I assume that you (Yes, "you", my dear reader -- I'm not vaguebooking about any particular someone here; I'm talking to YOU, whoever you may be)... But that's a lot of explanation, and I digress. Start again. So often, I assume that you have an agenda. And worse, I assume I know what that agenda is. What makes this so horrible is that sometimes (only sometimes!) I'm actually right. So then I think I'm right the rest of the time, too, when I am more often than not horribly, horribly wrong. As part of "growing up", we have to both learn to set boundaries where they are needed, and also to tear them down where they don't belong. Both tasks have the potential to make quite a mess of things. Too often, I set my boundaries by filtering my horribly flawed, judgmental, and blind assumptions about your character, person, and agenda through the matrix of my broken, limited, and chaotic passions and desires, coupled with my illogical thought p...