Quick update...
I just noticed it's been a month and a day since I posted last! Man, how time flies! Anyway, I've been (as usual) super busy, and will remain so through the end of next week, so here's a quick quick rundown of some things I've been up to lately. I'll expand on a couple of these after next week, when I have more time: * Went to a Four-Day Defensive Handgun Course at Front Sight, and passed the skills test with a "Distinguished Graduate" level, which is the highest you can get. To receive a "DG", you must "shoot down" 0-13 points. That is, your points must be with 13 of the maximum possible. I "shot down" 9. In other words, I missed 3 shots, but they were still in the "body" on the target -- they weren't complete misses, just outside the "optimal" area. (Complete misses are -5 each.) I was one of two people in a class of 39 to receive a DG. * Been working on some super secret projects tha...