Life Update...Part 2

After Pittsburgh, I flew to Baltimore, where my dad picked me up, and from whence we drove home to Frederick. The next morning, we hit the road semi-early in Dad's Pinto, and went to visit my dad's brother and sister and aunt in West Virginia. This is an approximately 4.5 hr. drive through the beautiful mountains of Appalachia. I was raised, for part of my childhood (ages 3-8) in these mountains, and for the rest of it in their foothills. Once we got to WV, we stayed the rest of the day and the first night with my aunt Sharon and her husband Jack. They are wonderful people, and we had a wonderful, relaxing time! They own several acres on top of a mountain near Rainelle, WV . This includes two houses, a barn/shed area, a garage, a garden, and lots of grass. We stayed in the guest house, which is the "old house", having been built in the early 1900's. The next morning, we left to go to my uncle Tom's place, which is about 30 minutes from Sharon ...