
Showing posts from May, 2012

Obesity...a partial solution

Michelle Obama is spearheading a war on obesity. I think obesity has indeed become a problem.  I do not, however, agree with Mrs. Obama that the answer is to  mandate, from the Federal or State level, what we can and can't eat.  That's just more government, more tyranny, more bureaucracy, which means more cost.  It's ultimately not sustainable anyway, and will cause more harm than good. The actual problem runs deep: consumerism, which manifests as gluttony.  We cannot fix that with any government incentive. However, there is another thing that is exacerbating the problem immensely, and we can  fix that legislatively, since it is caused by legislation.  That "thing" is the vast array of obesity-helping products that we consume in rather vast quantities, including (but not limited to) high-fructose corn syrup. Scientists and doctors agree that over-consumption of high-fructose corn syrup is one of the leading causes of obesity.  But why...
I would like to clarify some things about my support for Ron Paul specifically, and the R3VOLUTION in general. I am getting some very disturbing vibes out of the Campaign the last couple of days.  This has prompted some introspection on my part.  So here goes. Ron Paul is both a man and a movement.  But as a movement, the label "Ron Paul" is just that: a label, nothing more.  He happens to be the one leading the charge at the moment. We've known from the beginning that the man is not the movement.  He started it, yes (or rather, preserved it through the Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush II years).  But the movement is a fundamentally deeper, vaster, and more powerful thing than even he understands, I think. I say this because, although he himself has said many times, "You can't stop an idea who's time has come," his campaign released a statement to the effect of "Ok, now everybody play nice" today. This was, undoubtedly, in response to two v...