My understanding of Mary's story...
In response to my previous post about the ever-virginity of Mary , a fellow on one of the forums I frequent asked: I'm wondering why Mary would choose to get married if she took that vow of virginity. Here is my response, the historical bits of which I drew from On Orthodox Veneration of Mary , by St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco. I also include my own speculation about the motivations of the priests, and several other things, based on the facts of the historical bits. ----------------------------- /begin forum post answer This is a very good question, and one that is not answered in the Scriptures. It is, however, answered by the teaching of the Church. Here is the answer, as best as I understand it: According to the Tradition, Mary's parents, Joachim and Anna, were aged and barren. They asked God for a child, and an angel informed them that they would bring forth a daughter. Overjoyed, they promised to consecrate their child to God, as Samuel was consecrated...