
Showing posts from March, 2011

"God Gave us a Book" -- um....

I came across this article today, in which the author expresses his opinion regarding Scripture. I have to wonder, though, if this article is actually satire. It is such a fantastic example of the errors of Protestant (particularly "low-church") thought in many areas! I will do my best not to die laughing and/or get completely pissed off while I review the problems with it. In the first section, I do think he's dead on when he says, "Secularism is, more fundamentally, an utter denial of the sacred..." (So you see, I'm not disagreeing just to be contrary.) In the second, (I'm still agreeing with him), his description of what the Bible is and how it came about (his understanding of inspiration) is excellent! It's the third section that goes completely off the rails. And even it starts good. All the way through his statement, "Christianity is not merely a creed or an experience", I'm saying, "Amen!" But his next sentence is...