Song I started the day with..
I absolutely love this song! I sang it this morning, and could not contain the joy and gladness that the Holy Spirit wrought in me by it. God's Perfect Lamb by Ron Hamilton God spoke to Israel, "Bring Me a sacrifice, Morning and evening, ev'ry day. Offer a spotless lamb, without a blemish. This is the command you must obey." Daily the lambs were brought. Daily the blood was shed, Laid on the altar built by man. Then at the perfect time, God said to Israel, "I will now provide the perfect Lamb." At God's appointed time, Jesus, Messiah, came To make the sacrifice for all sin. No longer bring a lamb, Jesus has paid the price, Clap your hands and let your psalms begin! CHORUS: Sing Hallelujah! Praise to Jehovah! Worship the God of Abraham! Sing Hallelujah! Praise to Jehovah! Once for all is slain God's perfect Lamb! If you've heard the song, you know it has an "Israeli" feel to the tune, and it's quite easy to get to clapping. (And a...